
Saturday, March 27, 2010

How To Get The Most From Your Vehicle Wrap

There’s a great deal that you can do to make sure you get the most out of wrapping your vehicle.

First of all, if you haven’t already wrapped your vehicle you need to know that vehicle wrap advertising is seen as one of the most effective and affordable mediums of advertising now available. Figures suggest an average vehicle wrap gets about 8 million impressions per month, for a fraction of the cost that other methods of advertising would cost.

Before rushing out to get your vehicle wrapped there are a few things you should consider. Wrapping your vehicle is a process that starts with a good, colorful, eye-catching design. The design is printed onto hi-tech vinyl film, which is then adhered directly to the vehicle. Make sure you work with a company, such as Speedpro DTC, that can carry out the entire process, use an appropriate template for your vehicle, produce the high-quality, non-fade printing that will ensure your wrap lasts, and then ensure that it’s installed correctly. You now have a great vehicle wrap that looks much like a custom paint job, but at a fraction of the cost.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to incorporate changing vehicle graphics. If you would like to use your vehicle to promote time sensitive offers and specials then vehicle wraps can be a great way to go. If you make Speedpro DTC aware of this element before starting, then your vehicle wrap can be designed in such a way that your “special” is self-contained within a single panel. Swapping the vinyl on the panel updates your message without the need to change the remaining wrap.

Once you have your vehicle wrap you should take a look at your behavior to see whether you can help to make your wrap even more effective. It may seem obvious, but do try to make use of your vehicle whenever possible - it’s not advertising anything when it’s parked in a garage. When you do park your vehicle, try to park in high traffic areas. This might mean that you park near the road and walk a little extra to your office and back each day. Yes, vehicle wraps can even help you to exercise more! When you go out (ballgame, movies, concert, whatever), go early. Try to park somewhere so that everybody will have to walk past your vehicle on the way in... which will also help you to get the best seats. In short, you have a mobile billboard. Make sure people see it.

Oh, and vehicle wraps can even help with your stress levels! Next time you’re stuck in traffic, don’t get stressed out, just imagine how many prospective new customers and finding out about your company!


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